Looking back on the last twenty years, motherhood has indeed been my greatest adventure. It's hard to determine which "phase" of my children's lives has been my favorite. It could be the baby years--all the rocking, holding, sweet baby smells--and even the not so sweet smells! Next came the toddler years--years full of wonder and new discoveries. Years when I was probably the most important person in their lives. Days of hearing "Momma" a thousand times before lunch! First days of kindergarten; losing that first tooth; hunting Easter eggs; baking Christmas cookies; learning to ride bikes; reading stories every night in bed; wearing out rocking chairs from rocking so much! Going into middle school with sports, music and girls! First dates; first kisses; first time behind a car wheel! Growing on up--facing life and some of its challenges; teenage drama; first loves and first break-ups; aging family members; deaths of grandparents. Parenting coming full circle in so many ways.
I think my very favorite part of all of motherhood has been holding my children. From the time they were babies and kissing the little crown of their head. Then moving on to holding them and making it all better when they fell. When I was growing up, my mother always took time to stop whatever she was doing to hold me. It didn't matter if dinner was late or she was sick, she took time to hold me; love me; read a book with me; or just be with me. As a grandmother, she always encouraged me to do the same, and I've tried to do this with my three children. My aunt always told me I was spoiling them by holding them so much! I didn't care, and did it more sometimes just to hear her fuss about it! If holding spoils a child, then mine were spoiled rotten!
As my three have grown older, I think I miss that holding more than anything. It's kind of hard to hold a child that has grown bigger than you. But you know, there are those little moments when even the "big" kid wants to be held by Momma. My Conner, who is almost 14, has had the flu this week. He has been so sick with fever and chills, but he has warmed my heart by wanting me to hold him and stroke his face like I did when he was little. Of course, he only had to ask me to do this one time, and I was on the job! Last night when I tucked him in, he thanked me for taking care of him. I had to walk out of his room quickly! I was glad the light was off so he didn't see my tears!
His fever spiked again tonight, and he was really restless. Tonight as I held him on the couch in front of the fire, I looked down at him sleeping. I wondered to myself--where has the time gone? It seems like only yesterday that he was a sleeping toddler on my lap. I never dreamed the time would pass so quickly. I have always heard other moms comment on how rapidly children grow up, but it has really become a reality of late.
I know these times together are going to be fewer and fewer in the years to come. All mothers of growing or grown children know this feeling. We want our children to grow and to spread those wings. But we miss our babies, and we love them so!
I'm sorry Conner has been sick, but I'm thankful that I've had some little moments to hold my baby boy again. I guess these little moments will have to hold me until I'm a grandmother, and I can re-live those baby days again!! If you are a younger mom, hold those babies every chance you get! Enjoy those chaotic times, because you're gonna miss those times before you know it! Cherish each of those little moments with your precious gifts from God!!
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