Katie, Colton, Conner & Jeff

Katie, Colton, Conner & Jeff
My soul mate, Jeff, and Katie, Colton and Conner, the three gifts from God that call me "Mom"

Saturday, August 9, 2014

My Mother, My Friend

Eight years ago today, you went away--
You left a void that is still here today.

God called you home, and I had no choice.
What I would give, just one more time to hear your voice.

Eight birthdays, eight holidays, without you at our family table,
Eight years without mother/daughter nights, shopping QVC on cable.

You were more than a mother, you were my very best friend.
You taught me how to be tough, but you also taught me to bend.

You loved Jeff so much, just like your own son,
You chose him for me first, and convinced me not to run!
Katie was your angel; Colton your "buster"; and Conner, your "kingfisher".
You were a Nanna like no other; no sir, mister.

You never saw Conner get up on stage,
or heard the songs he now writes on a blank page.

You never saw Colton play college ball
or saw him graduate, walking so tall.

You never saw Katie really come into her own,
A young lady now, watching videos on an iPhone.

But you are still alive and well in my heart,
Some days it's almost like we've never been apart.

Other days it's like you were never really here,
Forgetting your laughter is something that I fear.

But Jeff says that will never be.
Each day more of you is becoming me.

He sees you in my smile, and in my face,
He sees you in my walk, and even in my pace.

He hears you in my voice, and my laughter, too.
He tells me often, that I'm becoming so much like you.

So, a part of you left, but a part of you will remain.
But life without you, has truly never been the same.

I miss you, Mother, and I always will--
Sometimes, I think you're with me, if I am very still.

I hope you have a mansion in glory, and crusing those golden streets in a big, shiny Caddy--
But most of all, I know you are happy, because you are with my Daddy.

So until that day when we meet again,
I'll always love you dearly, MY MOTHER, MY FRIEND. 

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